/ TV program



  • 13. 5. 2024, 9:10

EP. 09. Camouflaged cats. Some animals will never be inconspicuous, others blend so perfectly with their surroundings that they can move through them without detection. For many of the cats of Africa, camouflage is key to survival. From the spots of the cheetah, the rosettes of the leopard and the stripes and dots of the serval, these cats have evolved to merge with their habitat. Hidden lizards. Feeding on these harvester ants, is a beautifully adapted predator, the regal horned lizard. Merging perfectly with their surroundings these small reptiles live in the rocky, gravelly, desert like habitats of Arizona where they make a living almost exclusively on ants. Cryptic snakes. In the leaf litter of Australia’s woodlands and scrub hides one of its most cryptic and dangerous snakes – the death adder. The camouflaging patterns of snakes are mesmerizing – from the pearly multicolored sheen of the carpet python to the mottled bands of the death adder, snakes can be hidden right before our eyes. Shimmering cuttlefish . Many animals can hide and many can disguise themselves to some degree, but few can rival the camouflaging capabilities of the magnificent cuttlefish. Cuttlefish can not only change color, they can also change their shape as well as their texture as they morph through seamless variations of themselves.…. and concealed chameleons. Making camouflage an art form are the verdant sauntering highly distinctive chameleons that make their homes in rain forests, grasses, trees and bushes. There are well over 100 species of chameleon around today, ranging from the tiny pygmy chameleon to the prehistoric looking horned chameleon, most are found in Africa and Madagascar. Birds. In the frozen climbs of the northern hemisphere winter, ptarmigans blend against their snowy surroundings. Invisible spiders - Crab Spider. There is one tiny creature that has evolved a camouflage that is so perfect in its simplicity it is often overlooked by the casual human observer. Adapted to their hunting terrain the crab spiders that are found on bark and leaves are darker in coloration than those found on flowers which is the master of disguise?

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